Hooley’s Irish Pub & Restaurant

By , 2015-12-24 11:30:36

If you’re craving a hint of green, then today is your lucky day. The good fellows At Guangzhou’s much-loved live music venue in Zhujiang Xingcheng have spread their wings to Foshan and Zhongshan, offering up icy cold beers on tap and mouth-watering chicken wings.

No. 102, Unit 22, Creative Park, Jihua Si Lu, Chancheng District, Foshan 佛山市禅城区季华四路创意产业园22栋102 (0757-8226 4606); Section 2, Yijia Yuan, 7 Xingzhong Dao, Zhongshan 中山市兴中道颐嘉苑2卡 (137 9416 0023)