4 Shenzhen Sex Shops to Meet All Your Bedroom Needs

By Sky Gidge, 2017-02-08 05:30:00

To help you scout out your next vibrator, ribbed condom or pair of assless chaps, we turned to Baidu Maps to find some of Shenzhen's top-rated adult toy shops.



A 10-minute walk from the Guomao Metro Station, Aphrodi's curving purple walls lead customers past some high-end vibrators and fleshlights (think around RMB1,000) and into a back area that includes women's role-play costumes and S&M gear. 


A bottle of silicon-based lube is held up as special product – indeed we haven't seen it in the other stores – but a quick web search reveals it shouldn't be used with products made with silicon. Do your research people! The prices are a bit higher at this shop, but the selection is the best we found in Shenzhen. 

Ambiance: 5/5
Product selection: 5/5
Privacy: 3/5

See listing for Aphrodi.

Donhkhong Adult Goods Store


This shop is bigger than the other closet-sized stores in the area and sports vibrators ranging from micro to man-sized. The displays of German and Swiss-branded vibrators are tastefully lit beside a wide selection of lube. 


Prepare to pay a premium (over RMB1,000) on anything with a foreign company's name on it, including the fleshlights (referred to in Chinese as airplane cups). The shop is located a healthy jaunt away from the busiest area of Shekou, so you're likely to make your purchase in privacy.

Ambiance: 3/5
Product selection: 4/5
Privacy: 3/5

See listing for the Donhkhong Adult Goods Store.

Ju Se Adult Product Store


Many might balk at the alleyway entrance to this 9-year-old shop, but pass through the doors of Ju Se and you meet the well-curated shelves of one of the chain’s 850 stores. On our visit, red light was cast by a Taoist statue of Caishen, the god of wealth, and the helpful manager's 4-year-old son ran about the humble space. 


This branch of Ju Se packs the standard vibrators and fleshlights and includes basic S&M gear like ball gags. Expect premium prices on anything sporting a foreign brand. 

Ambiance: 3/5
Product Selection: 3/5
Privacy: 4/5

See listing for Ju Se Adult Product Store.

69 Space Adult Products Automated Store


Open 24 hours a day in a low-traffic shopping plaza off Line 11, this is the only automated store on the list. It's a bit like a walk-in vending machine, meaning you won't be able to get hands on with these affordably priced products that include condoms, lingerie and basic toys. 

69-space-inside-store.JPGStaff only appear if you call them via button and the toys here are mostly below RMB100. It's worth noting that toys meant for the domestic market sometimes don't pass international muster, though we can't speak for this shop directly. 

69-space-cheap-vibrators.JPGPurchases are made with WeChat, Alipay or cash via a terminal at the end of the shop. After paying, the door in front of your product opens. The future is now.

Ambiance: 2/5
Product selection: 3/5
Privacy: 5/5

See listing for 69 Space Adult Products Automated Store.