2 Year Old Falls From 6th-Floor Balcony in Chongqing

By Yuzhou Hu, 2019-08-01 13:49:31

A toddler was spotted hanging from a balcony on the sixth floor of a high rise in Chongqing. Onlookers watched in horror as the child lost his grip and fell from the balcony. Thankfully, residents worked together to create a makeshift cushion which very likely saved the little boy’s life, reports Kankanews.

The incident, which nearly broke every parent’s heart, took place around 4pm on July 29. Residents noticed a small child dangling from the building, who was seen clinging to a rail with both hands, attempting to climb back onto the balcony.

Image via Kankanews

Onlookers promptly called 120. Fearing that the ambulance would not make it in time, they rushed to fetch quilts to create some sort of cushion in case the child fell. They barely had any time to set the buffer up before the child lost his grip and fell. Thankfully, the little boy landed right at the center of the quilt. Despite weeping and wailing, the toddler apparently suffered no injuries.

Gif via Baijiahao

It turns out the boy’s parents were at work when the incident happened. His grandmother, who was supposed to be watching him, left the child alone in the apartment while she ran to the grocery store. The toddler somehow got out onto the balcony. 

The parents were immensely grateful that their little one was saved by the quick and heroic actions of their neighbors. They expressed their regrets, saying they have learned their lesson and would pay more attention to the safety of their child.

The boy was taken to a nearby hospital for further examination.

[Cover image via Kankanews]