HSK intensive course Shanghai

100RMB/class hour *30 class hours
Mon、Wed、Fri 14:00- - 17:00
Sat、Sun 9:00- -12:00

Daytime Course
Day: Monday-Friday
Time: 10:00 ~17:00

1 to 1 Class

Regular Daytime Course Price:
Class hour: 50H, 7500yuan
Class hour: 100H, 14000yuan

Promotion Daytime Course Price:
Class hour: 30H,4200yuan
Class hour: 50H,6000yuan

Huaihai Rd campus:
No.28 Gaolan Rd Shanghai

Zhongshan park campus:
Block A,13F,No.121 jiangsu Rd

Photos (1)

Contact Information

Email ******@126.com
Phone 186****8617

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